Graduate Courses
Environmental Politics and Policy (OSU Spring 2019, USA Spring 2021)
Environmental and natural resource issues and policies in national and regional context, emphasizing public attitudes, elections, Congress, public policy, and relevant national and state agencies.
US Congress and Policymaking (USA Spring/Summer 2020)
An inside view of the U.S. Congress centered on the process for passing laws and policymaking, including an examination of influential legislation.
Research Methods and Design (USA Fall 2020, 2021)
Social science research methodologies will be used to help students develop skills for policy analysis and decision making in the public service. Stresses the understanding of research methods and data collection in a Public Administration setting. Theoretical development and elaboration, and an overview of the variety of research designs used in social science research will be included.
Organizational Theory Public Management (USA Fall 2020, 2021)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the field of organization theory. The course exposes students to seminal works in the field as well as covering more recent developments.
Undergraduate Courses
Research Methods (USA Spring/Summer 2020, Spring 2021)
This course examines research methodologies in the social sciences, covering the tools and techniques for designing and conducting research, including collecting and analyzing data, and presenting findings. A Writing Intensive Course.
Research Methods (OSU 2016)
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to the study of political phenomena. The role of values, theory, hypothesis, data collection, and analysis in evaluating and conducting political science research. A Writing Intensive Course.
US Congress and Policymaking (USA Spring/Summer 2020)
An inside view of the U.S. Congress centered on the process for passing laws and policymaking, including an examination of influential legislation.
Introduction to Microeconomics (LBCC, 2019)
Introduces the theory of relative prices in a market system, consumer choice, marginal analysis, and the allocation of productive resources among alternative uses in a market economy. Other topics may include market power and price discrimination, public finance, the labor market and environmental policy.
Introduction to Macroeconomics (LBCC, 2019)
Introduces the determination of levels of national income, employment and prices, and the basic causes of fluctuations in the business cycle, the banking system, monetary policy and financial intermediation. Other topics may include international trade and international finance.
Public Policy Problems (OSU 2018)
The content and the politics of adoption and application of such policy areas as defense, poverty and welfare, macroeconomics, and regulation.
US Energy Policy (OSU 2018)
Addresses US energy policy with respect to how the U.S. governs the production and use of different energy sources, along with the management of its energy infrastructure. Examines policies currently in place, as well as proposals for alternatives, while examining the economic, environmental, national security and energy security implications of different policy approaches.
Environmental Politics and Policy (OSU 2017)
Environmental and natural resource issues and policies in national and regional context, emphasizing public attitudes, elections, Congress, public policy, and relevant national and state agencies.
Introduction to Political Thought (OSU 2017)
Introduction to political philosophy. Major ideas and issues of selected political thinkers.
Science and Politics (OSU 2016, 2017)
Relationship between science and the political system in political ideas and history, in bureaucratic politics of science policy, and in contemporary scientific disputes.
Introduction to US Government and Politics (OSU 2016)
Description and analysis of American politics and government, including such topics as interest groups, parties, elections, media, the presidency, Congress, the Constitution, and the courts.